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Friday, 7 August 2015

joke!!! makin4 haven

HOW TO KNOW IF YOU HAVE MADE HELL FIRE:-• 1: Your phone is full of different types of porn and you have the Holy Bible in the same device. 2: Your breast has been pressed more than the T.V remote in your parlour. 3: You've had sex more than your age ( years).
4: You see a mad woman and you quickly have an erection. 5: Your pastor is praying and he says"First of all" and the first thing that comes to your mind is "Go down low". 6: Your pastor is praying and says "Lord, all I want is your" and you silently say "Your waist". Am sorry, but if you fall in any of this category then you can't make OUR Heaven... Lol Like, comment & share !!


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Isaac Tayo is a young blogger and web designer. To Creat a blog site like this you can contact me on 08123234221 or follow me on twitter @ Isaac Tayo ,or better still add me on face book with Aladeyelu Isaac Segun .Your presence is Appreciated

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Isaac Tayo is a young blogger and web designer. To Creat a site like this you can contact me on 08136331903 or follow me on twitter @ Isaac Tayo ,or better still add me on face book with Aladeyelu Isaac eyitayo .Thanks


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