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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -

Friday, 7 August 2015

joke!!! makin4 haven

HOW TO KNOW IF YOU HAVE MADE HELL FIRE:-• 1: Your phone is full of different types of porn and you have the Holy Bible in the same device. 2: Your breast has been pressed more than the T.V remote in your parlour. 3: You've had sex more than your age ( years).

joke!!! new police

Omo, police don upgrade ooh,dis na d call center numba 112...There was a robbery in my neighbour's house and I called them... next thing I heard was .Welcome to Nigeria Police Emergency Center.. for English press. 1, for Igbo press 2, for Yoruba press 3. Then I pressed1... then another voice came up....For car accident press 1, for armed robbery press 2, for boko haram please hang up.... Den I pressed 2, anoda voice came up.... If they're with knives press1, pistols press 2, AK 47 press 3,machine guns press 4, bomb press 5, all of the above press 6... Then i checked and saw they were with all of them then I pressed 6... anoda voice came up sayin.... Hmmmm...! My brother, if ur brother dey police u go gree make im come? Thunder fire u there...

joke!!! apors again

A local FM Radio station was running a contest, and Akpos phoned up. The Radio presenter said: “Congratulations on being our first caller, all you have to do is answer the following question correctly, to win our grand prize.” “That’s fantastic!” Akpos shouted in delight. “Feel confident?” she asked. “It’s a maths question.” “Well, I am an Engineer and have been teaching and practising maths for almost 10 years, ” Akpos proudly replied. “Ok then, to win our grand prize of 2 return tickets for an adventurous trip to Sambisa forest and an opportunity to meet Boko Haram’s boss Shekau and the Chibok Girls Face to Face: What is 2+2?” Akpos replied, “10”!!!
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Isaac Tayo is a young blogger and web designer. To Creat a blog site like this you can contact me on 08123234221 or follow me on twitter @ Isaac Tayo ,or better still add me on face book with Aladeyelu Isaac Segun .Your presence is Appreciated

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Isaac Tayo is a young blogger and web designer. To Creat a site like this you can contact me on 08136331903 or follow me on twitter @ Isaac Tayo ,or better still add me on face book with Aladeyelu Isaac eyitayo .Thanks


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