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Monday, 7 September 2015

Signs Of A Possible Heart Problem You Need To Know

Heart disease is not a silent killer anymore. In the
United States alone, heart disease is the #1 cause of
mortality in both men and women at 1 million deaths
annually. One person dies of heart disease every 33
seconds, making it a more serious and rampant case
than AIDS and all cancers combined. It is estimated
that heart disease will be the leading cause of death
in the world by 2020
There is no other remedy to this growing problem
than prevention and early treatment.
Early diagnosis means receiving proper treatment
before symptoms turn from bad to worse. Lastly,
prevention by raising awareness on health and
wellness is considered to be the most powerful
weapon that humanity has against heart disease.
Here are top signs of a possible heart problem. If you
feel one, two, or more of these symptoms, it is
recommended to seek doctor’s consult immediately.
#1 - Difficulty of breathing
Breathing difficulties are characterized by shortness
of breath as if you are unable to catch a breath or
inability to breathe altogether. This is caused by
weakened heart muscles that results in the return of
the blood from the heart to the lungs. The pain
caused by the fluid leaking into the lungs can be
alleviated by elevating the head which facilitates
proper circulation.
#2 - Increased Anxiety Levels
The feeling Impending doom is a common sign that
your heart is in trouble. Reduced tolerance to stress
or exposure to stress for prolonged periods of time
has always been directly related to heart disease.
People prior to heart attacks will suffer from feelings
of impending doom or unmanaged stress.
Individuals who feel more anxious or more stressed
than usual should consult with their doctor to get
treated accordingly.
#3 - Chest tightness
Chest tightness featuring uncomfortable pressure or
heaviness is primarily caused by the increased
accumulation of fluid in the chest cavity. On the other
hand, the drowning feeling is due to the increasing
pressure within the lungs as a result of fluid
distention in and around this region of the body.
Although these symptoms are not painful, it is
considered to be one of the earliest signs of an
impending heart problem.
#4 - Loss of Appetite
People with heart disease will suffer from gradual
loss of appetite. This is evident even if you haven’t
had a proper meal for many hours. This symptom is
attributed to the accumulation of fluid around vital
organs responsible for digestion such as the liver,
the stomach, and the intestines. The decrease of
blood flow to the stomach as a result of
compromised circulation and heart problems not
only slow down the digestive process, but bring
about minor but uncomfortable GI symptoms such
as vomiting and nausea.
#5 - Behavioral Changes
Decision making as well as day-to-day activities
significantly change among people suffering from
heart problems. Due to the lack of oxygen supply to
vital organ systems, a patient may unconsciously
change her decisions as well as activity patterns is a
means by which the entire body compensates for the
discomforts caused by heart disease.
#6 - Weight Gain
Increase in total body weight of up to 3 pounds in 3
days is a clear sign of heart disease. Normal weight
gain is due to the increase in caloric intake, but
weight gain as a result of heart disease is due to
accumulation of fluids in vital organ systems of the
#7 - Persistent Cough
Cough that lasts for more than a week or months is a
tell-tale sign of a possible heart disease. Persistent
cough and wheezing sounds upon auscultation is due
to fluid buildup in the lungs. This symptom is most
often accompanied by the excretion of thick, blood-
tinged mucus.
#8 - Edema
Edema or swelling in distal regions of the body are
due to the restricted flow of blood to the kidneys.
Impaired kidneys then produce hormones that retain
excess salt and water to distal portions of the body,
namely the legs, ankles, and feet.


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