Friday, 17 July 2015
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» A new CRK teacher, transferredto a JSS 2 class during the midterm, wanted to know how wellthe students understood thesyllabus so far. He decided tostart from the last topic theprevious teacher had taught,"Hello class, who broke downthe walls of Jericho?"There was a full minute ofabsolute silence. All the studentsjust stared at him blankly. Theteacher then pointed at thestudents in the front desk toanswer the question. Thestudents began responding.Amos: "Sir I'm a new studenthere, I just started this schoollast week."John: "Sir the day the walls wasbroken, I didn't come to school,I swear"MARY: "Sir I only passed by thewalls of Jericho, I didn't eventouch it, as it was alreadybroken when I passed it."Rufus: "Sir, I didn't even knowthe walls had been broken, untilyou mentioned it now."The teacher became so shockedand infuriated, "What!!!" Hescreamed. The Students beganmurmuring amongstthemselves that the newteacher is so mean.The teacher, shocked by theirignorance, stormed to theprincipals office to tell him whathappened. The principal kindlyresponded, "Sorry about that.You know how mischievousthese JSS students can be?Always destroying things andlater denying it. But be restassured, this matter would befully investigated. Just writedown the total cost in fixing thesaid wall, and at the next PTAmeeting the issue would bediscussed"Who is more stupid, thestudents or the principal?
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