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Friday, 12 June 2015

Women Are More Likely To End Long-Term Romantic Relationships Than Men.

Breakups are hard. Breakups are even harder for those who were in long-term relationships. After a breakup occurs, it may sometimes feel like the end of the world. Like suddenly, you’re completely alone. But just know, you’re really not. In fact, a new survey found that a 64 percent of Americans have gone through breakups of long-term relationships, where only 23 percent have indicated that they have not. While a big majority of both men and women admitted to being on both sides of the breakup line, i.e. being both the dumper and the dumped, what’s more interesting is than being loved.The survey asked questions such
as: How many long-term relationships have you had so far in your life? How many partners have you said ‘I love you’ to? Have you ever had a long-term relationship end? Have you ever been the one who ended a romantic relationship? Have you ever had a partner end a romantic relationship with you? The survey found that 76 percent of women admitted to being responsible for ending their long-term relationship, while 62 percent of men admitted to the same thing. On the flip side, more men also admitted to being the one left behind with 84 percent saying that their partners were the ones to end the romantic relationship, compared to only 67 percent of females.


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